#Crazy indian action movie movie#
Most of the Indians in the movie are articulate and thoroughly aware of their circumstances. Fortunately, “The Lone Ranger” does little harm in this regard, in my opinion. Still, many of us were concerned that the movie would just be one more exercise in stereotyping Indians. Depp himself was embraced by certain Indian tribes and organizations, was even “adopted” into the Comanche Nation, and appeared at a special premiere for Comanche citizens in Lawton, Oklahoma.

It sponsored a thousand-dollar-a-ticket gala premiere, with the proceeds going to the American Indian College Fund.

To show its bona fides, Disney actively sought tribal support for the project. Much of our work at the National Museum of the American Indian is to challenge the misinformation and stereotyping about Indians to which the entire world has been subjected. Along with the degrading practice of making Indians mascots for sports teams, Hollywood’s portrayals of Indians have created in the minds of much of the American public a thorough misunderstanding of how Indians were in the 18th and 19th centuries and how they are now. The Indians we have seen in the movies have largely been dim, hostile and violent. Hollywood, after all, has been a leader in stereotyping and demeaning Indians. Depp’s Tonto, they said, would be the star of the movie, a character who would make Indians proud. Depp’s Tonto, they said, would not be simply the “faithful Indian companion” to the title character. Both Disney and Johnny Depp, the star of the movie, had promised to remake Tonto, the iconic Indian from the television series of the 1950s. I admit that I went to see “ The Lone Ranger” expecting to be disappointed and quite likely offended by the portrayal of Indians in the movie.